Calling all U2UG Members
This is a reminder that voting has opened for the election of the new U2UG
Board for 2010 - 2011. 
The board is composed of busy individuals who have volunteered their time to
represent you, the U2 community.
This year, following the transition to Rocket, the user groups plans to be
even more active than ever.
In order to secure a strong mandate, we need as many members as possible to
Please take a few moments to visit the elections page on the website and
cast your vote. We have a strong slate of candidates once again, and they
deserve your support.
Voting will close on 10 Feb 2010. You can cast your vote more than once,
however only the last vote cast will count.
Votes can be cast through the website or by sending an email to:
quoting your U2UG login name.
The election page can be found under the Membership menu once you have
logged into the site.
Thank you.

On behalf of the U2 User Group Board.
PS: If you are a member of the U2UG but have not received a previous email
about voting, please check the email address in your member profile and make
sure that it does not require verification.
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