Yuck! That sounds like a bug to me. Anywhere else, the quotes would be 

Always glad to help!

Default namespaces have always felt like a bad compromise to me...

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org 
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Boydell, Stuart
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:48 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] XPath queries

Thanks Robert and Brian,
As you pointed out, having a default namespace was the issue. However it took 
me awhile to work out that the nsMap parameter of the Locate statement can't 
have quotes around the uri. Once I had (accidently) discovered that, the 
xdomlocate function worked.

    xml  = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'
    xml := '<ABRPayloadSearchResults xmlns="http://tempuri"; >'
    xml := '<response>'
    xml := '<exception>Exception Message</exception>'
    xml := '</response>'
    xml := '</ABRPayloadSearchResults>'

    * !! nsmap = 'xmlns:a="http://tempuri";' Does Not Work with quoted "uri" !!
    nsmap = 'xmlns:a=http://tempuri'

    xpathStr = '/a:ABRPayloadSearchResults/a:response/a:exception'

    if xdomopen(xml,XML.FROM.STRING,hd) # XML.ERROR then
       if xdomlocate(hd,xpathStr,nsmap,hn) # XML.ERROR then
         if not(xdomgetnodename(hn,name)) and name[9] = 'exception' then
            crt 'Located ':name

Many thanks,
Stuart Boydell

-----Original Message-----

Beware of default namespaces. If you have one defined, then XPath needs to have 
a namespace mapped to a dummy prefix, and you have to qualify the prefix.  The 
following can be referenced using "/x/y".


But this has a problem:
<x xmlns="foo"><y>something...

Internally, XML tracks this like "/{foo}:x/{foo}:y".  What you have to do is 
tell the XPath processor to map some prefix, say 'a' to the namespace 'foo', 
then use "/a:x/a:y".

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