Not sure about HPUX but most linux distros are configured to use as much
memory as possible , if not on processes then the system will any spare for
caching disk io. So the absence of free memeory and a system on the go slow
may not be an indicator of a problem with uv using too much memory, it may
be a disk io bottleneck somewhere.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of u2ug
Sent: 08 June 2010 16:31
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] UV Memory issues

We started running into a situation recently where a box running
universe 10.2.11 on hpux 11.31 started to have severe performance
problems, zero response, processes that normally take seconds to run
taking hours etc.

In Top we could see that the reported free memory was averaging about
28M at times dropping to less than 5M and that the vhand process was
chewing up a most of the cpu.  With the free memory that low, vhand
hogging the system makes sense.  Why the memory is that low is the

The machine has 4G of memory, right after reboot before anyone but me
gets on the system top shows us at 3G free.  If we just let the system
sit, free memory will sit happily at 3G.  As soon as we start using
universe, the free memory starts to fall.   Logging out all universe
processes and even bringing universe down has no effect on free memory -
I would have expected the memory to be freed up once the universe
processes and in particular universe itself was terminated but that's
not what we are seeing.

We were in the process of setting up a new box physically the same as
the old box but running uv  10.3.6 on hpux 11.3.1. So I am looking at
this problem now on that box in isolation.  We were hoping that this
would turn out to be a hardware issue but we are seeing the same problem
on this new box as well.

This is out of my realm of experience and I am stumped as to where to go
next.  I have the system guy checking with hp , my guess is they are
going to point the finger at uv. I am going to check with our var - I'm
not overly optimistic there either.

Any suggestions ?
 - Hpux/uv tunables we should be looking at 
        - can we tell universe to restrict the amount of physical memory
that it uses ?
        - Or maybe this is a garbage collection issue ?
        - universe or hpux being overly aggressive about caching
 - any hpux utilities that we can use to see exactly where the memory is
being used ?
 - .... ?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Martin Scholl
Sent: June 8, 2010 09:41 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: [U2] [Unidata-Windows] Can login, but not execute any command

Upfront: The problem was solved by re-installing UniData

My client had UniData 7.2.3 on Windows within his domain. He rebooted
servers within his company over the weekend. Yesterday UniData suddenly
didn't work anymore. I could log in to the database, but any command,
whether Write, Select or catalogued subroutine would stop dead in its
There was no error message, no indication what could have gone wrong.
UniObjects had no time-out, the application hung for hours.

I telneted into the database and many users got the unknown user error,
just found one user that allowed me to log in. I ran a few commands and

My hunch is that a Windows update changed NT-Authentication and UniData
didn't like it. Poking through the logs, I see in the Windows security
two entries for every UniData login, one success and one failure:
The first a success audit:
A trusted logon process has registered with the Local Security
This logon process will be trusted to submit logon requests. 
 Logon Process Name:    \udapi_server.exe

Then a failure audit:
The logon to account: HHC-Unidata
 from workstation: HORIZONSERV4
 failed. The error code was: 3221225572

The error code means: 32212255720    The specified user does not exist.

This behavior started already last year, and even now that everything

Does anyone have ideas or similar experiences?

Martin Scholl
18910 New Hampshire Ave
Brinklow, MD 20862
Phone: 301-924-5537
Cell: 301-613-9572

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