There are a ton of web pages on UX but it really pays to spend
some time in different bookstores, where you'll find material
that you don't see online.  I've read a lot of books on creating
"good" user interfaces, which may fly in the face of standards.
And conversely to all of this, a lot of material on good design
and standards is just pure rubbish.  Take in a lot of info and
come to your own conclusions.

Consistency is always key as well, whether or not you're
following someone else's standards, just follow your own. Put
common functionality in consistent places.  For example, do your
best to put page/form-level buttons in the same place on every
page, and then try to be consistent about where you put
page-unique buttons.  Save/Cancel/Delete should never be so close
that the user can confuse them, or too far apart. ;)  And use CSS
(or similar mechanisms) as much as possible to control images,
colors, and text styles.  Change the image for Save buttons in
one place and the entire application is morphed.

Related: I optionally allow the admin or individual users to
change the color scheme and lots of other visual aspects for the
entire application with a single selection.  The "standard" here
is where screens are, not what they look like.  That said, many
of us are familiar with "web parts" (like at where
users can move around sections of their screens.  Part of your
"standard" may be recognizing that you can't make everyone happy
when you're designing your forms, so at least give people the
tools they need to re-arrange page segments to suit their own
style.  This actually makes coding a lot easier because you can
focus on functionality rather than fine-tuning the placement of

Use the right controls for things like grids, dropdown lists,
radio buttons, and checkboxes.  Each has their place.  For
example: Yes/No should not be two separate checkboxes and should
not be in a dropdown list.  Also (for VARs), be prepared to
change controls depending on where you deploy your software.
This isn't easy and might be too much work for most VARs.  When
you create software for many companies you may not know how many
records they have have in their tables.  You might design a table
to have a dropdown list for one client because they only have,
say, 10 regions.  But that's not appropriate when you sell to a
company where every county (thousands) is a different region.

That brings me to my last point: Try to create stand-alone
controls which perform specific duties: The customer selector,
the invoice display, the printer selector, etc.  Not only does
this create consistency (on-topic with Standards) but it allows
you to maintain such code in one place for the entire
application.  The first time you realize that you need to change
the same screen in two places, you will recognize the benefit of
using controls.  This falls into the category of object-oriented
development, code-reuse, refactoring, etc.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
worldwide, and provides related development services (latest blogs on Web Services)
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