Thanks, Charlie. I'm surprised so few in this forum either use these products or are willing to talk about them. :-(


Charlie Noah said the following on 8/2/2010 4:09 PM:

We're just getting into MV.NET with Jbase, using one pad PC running a shop bay scheduling system. We are finding it very expensive, difficult to work with and a resource HOG. One session took as much bandwidth as the entire store it's being used at normally takes - one of our bigger stores, so that's considerable. I'm not really involved with it, thank God, but I'm seeing the fallout. I don't know anything about U2.NET.

Charlie Noah
Inland Truck Parts Company

On 08-02-2010 4:32 PM, Bill Haskett wrote:
Does anyone use mv.NET? Do you have any problems; stability, connectivity, licensing, etc? Is U2.NET a good substitute? I understand they re-wrote the licensing. What is the U2.NET cost? Does anyone use U2.NET?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Bill Haskett

U2-Users mailing list

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