
I'm not familiar with UD, but in UV it is possible to change the break key 
(character). Try changing the break char from ctrl-c to something else to see 
if the ctrl-c then gets passed to the PROG1 program.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2010 1:50 AM
Subject: [U2] Sending interrupt to UniBasic program


I'm hoping the bit-heads in the group can help me out with this one. It's
kind of difficult to explain, but I'll try my best. My apologies for any
lack of clarity.

What we're trying to do is automate a third-party batch process. The
automation piece is working well. But there's one requirement that's
proving problematic, with two key requirements at play.

First, batch process must run automagically and completely unattended.
Second, operators must have the option to interact directly with the
automated batch for trouble-shooting purposes. The second requirement is
what's presenting the challenge.

Since we need to be able to directly interact with the batch process, we
can't use a phantom, since any keyboard I/O causes a phantom to terminate.
The solution we chose was to run everything under GNU Screen. If you
aren't familiar with Screen, here's a one sentence description from our
friends at GNU -- "Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes
a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive
shells." You can check for more info. I
think of Screen as a terminal emulator that runs locally on the server. So
if you start screen and then launch UniData from within your screen
session, you are safe if the connection from your workstation is dropped;
everything continues to run on the server. You just need to issue a
command to reconnect to your screen session and you're back in business.
Very handy tool.

If the batch runs with no issues, this works well. But if we need to
diagnose a run-time issue, e.g. a process appears to be hung, we need to
do things like send ctrl-c to break the current program. This is where the
problem comes in. Screen seems to be sending ctrl-c (or any other
interrupt, for that matter) to udt, not the program that is running under
udt. This causes the udt session to end which kills the batch process when
all we want to do is get to the debug prompt. Questions to the Screen
users group have not generated helpful answers.

Here's an attempt at an illustration of what I'm talking about. Nesting
indicates that a process is running under the outer process.

Can press ctrl-c while PROG1 is running to get to debug prompt


Ctrl-c and AIX kill's are directed to udt, not PROG1


Does anyone have any thoughts on how to resolve this? My hope is that
there's a way to send an interrupt from outside that will be directed
towards a specific program.

Environment info:
        AIX 5.3
        UniData 7.1

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