> From: Wol
>  On 25/08/10 17:04, George Land wrote:
> > We have a customer that is using JET to output 
> > documents, does anyone know who (if anyone) owns JET 
> > these days?

> So if you can find Frosty, he would probably know where it's
ended up,
> or might still own it himself.

JET was owned by Ascential.  I'm not sure who has the hot potato
these days.  Dan Cheddar was the last person maintaining it, so
wherever he is, that's probably the company that owns it.

[AD] If you have JET documents that you want converted to Word,
OpenOffice, Google Docs, PDF, or other formats, Nebula R&D offers
ConnectingFlight, a vehicle from what you have to "somewhere
else".  Tens of thousands of JET documents have been successfully
converted for happy clients:

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
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