Here's a wrapper I've used around seq file opens for years on unidata.  F.FILE 
IS THE RETURNED FILE HANDLE-all others arguments are inputs.  You need not 
force creation (at least not on *nix)

Jeff Butera
Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 8, 2010, at 6:55 PM, "Al DeWitt" <> wrote:

> Unidata 7.1.20
> I've never dealt with sequential files, but I have a need to output
> records to a text file.  Each record will be a series of fixed-length
> fields.  Each file will need to be created at the time of opening.  The
> destination will be a Windows folder on one of our servers.  I will be
> using OPENSEQ to open the file.  However, since each file needs to be
> created at time of opening what do I use to create the file?  My reading
> of OPENSEQ doesn't indicate that it will create it automatically if it
> doesn't exist.
> Thanks.
> Al DeWitt
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