

I've been planning for a while to release my system scanning tools
("mvScan") as free/open software.

That way, anyone can download and use it and hopefully people can choose to
add to the library of plug-ins that are used to analyse specific entities -
an example might be some plug-ins to add SB+ or SBXA tools into the map,
neither of which I currently use. In fact, it's one of a number of tools I
want to make freely available in the same way.


The only stumbling block I'm hitting is trying to choose a licence.

With so many 'open source' and 'free software' licences out there, I've just
ended up getting more and more confused as I read more about the


All I want is a simple licence that will have the usual attribution and
indemnity clauses, whilst allowing anyone to modify the software as they
please and give it out as they see fit. 


I'm considering the MIT licence for the simple reason that it's short and to
the point - but when I see it next to the likes of the CDDL I'm left
wondering whether it is enough?


Has anyone any insight to share on this?







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