I actually like the XML handling built into UV. I have always been a believer 
in using the intrinsic facilities of the database where possible to maximise 
the performance of the process being automated. The XDOM API is a good example 
of this, and is a good fit for our requirements.
My biggest issue is with the poor state of the documentation. It does not allow 
me to easily obtain a good level of competency, which I think is needed to feel 
like I can be productive with a tool, and to feel that the tool is worth using.
Once I got past the documentation and did a lot of testing, and raising cases 
with Rocket Software (the guys here in Australia should now know their XDOM 
backwards!), I have a much clearer understanding of what is possible and what 
the limitations are.

Which is why I created the blog and started adding entries for various aspects 
of the XDOM that were not obvious from the documentation. I just hope it helps 
others get a handle on the XDOM API a bit quicker than I did. It might also 
allow others to better evaluate the XDOM API as a valid toolset, rather than 
discount it out of hand due to FUD, or marketing pressures.


-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org 
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2010 3:35 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] Building XML using the UV XDOM API functions

Gregor, your comments serve as a testimonial to support my
position against using many of these vendor-supplied toolkits.
Some of them are OK, but many not.  People insist on the DBMS
vendors building stuff for them, but then we get the mess that
you've described.  For this reason I continue to recommend at
least consideration for integration with tools that are outside
of the  DBMS.  DBMS vendors should be focusing on making superior
databases, not XML, web services, or a lot of this other fluff.
People in the open source and commercial markets spend a great
deal of time focused on  these things, and because of this, their
offerings are often much better.  So take a look around and weigh
other offerings against the built-in functionality.  It would be
nice to see people here comparing more toolkits - it might save
others from feeling like they're stuck with whatever is provided
by the DBMS vendors.


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