>>I'm thinking it might be good to write up an article about RPL.
>>If any of you has knowledge of the history of the language, the company, 
etc. you can email me, and we can collaborate on getting it all laid 
out... >>straight.


In the late 80s I worked with Ultimate Pick on a VAX, running software 
from SMI.  That system used RPL as its native programming language.  This 
was the Ultimate PICK that ran on an add-in board.

RPL was an interesting language.  I remember having to add NOP 
instructions into programs so that a subroutine wouldn't span groups or 
something.  % variables were regular variables, and & variables were file 
buffers.  There was an equate that sort of worked, but I remember it being 

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation
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