On 08/02/11 00:31, Dan McGrath wrote:
>>From my testing with the aforementioned project, directly cataloguing in
> the VOC results in noticeably faster calling than code that is
> catalogued globally. I don't have time at work at the moment do the
> tests again, I might try after I finish the day.

That seems very odd to me, but global cataloguing probably came from PI,
and was optimised to work fast on Primos (if you ran PI, you had special
microcode in the CPU :-)

I know Primes had blinding fast dynamic linking - okay their clocks are
very slow by today's standards, but tick for tick they can knock x86
into a cocked hat.

Changing topics within the thread, I much prefer Prime's condition
handling (inherited from PL/1) to C++'s try/catch. But that's probably
because it's not an OO type concept ...

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