On 03/03/11 20:50, Tony Gravagno wrote:
> Some people apparently have brains that toggle IF NOT ELSE faster
> than others.  But apparently this construct is of concern to some
> people, whether as a matter of elegance or a matter of coding
> effectiveness.  Recognizing this, the more I can eliminate those
> lines where I or someone else needs to "brain stutter" out of the
> flow, the better I think the code is.
Problem is, what causes some people to stutter is what other people find
easy. Two cases in point ...

A lot of my code does "if (test) else", which is a very "pick"
construct. In fact, a lot of code *had* to be written that way because a
lot of conditional statements (READ etc) didn't have a THEN back then.

And when I was learning C. I taught my instructor a trick or two - an
exercise was to count how many 3's in a pack of cards. So I did

count += (value == 3);

When I read my code out for the instructor to write on the board, he
just couldn't hear it right until I spelt it out letter by letter.
Again, it's stuff I'd expect a Pickie to do without having to think! But
the instructor just couldn't get it until he'd written it on the board
and took a good hard look.

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