Hi Charlie:

I've trained this old dog to learn Java in the last 3 years and have made
many a change to our Eclipse based editor, developer, resizer and installer.
 I've trained 4 of our old dog staff members as well to learn HTML,
JavaScript and Eclipse.  Fortunately, all of them picked up the new
languages to various degrees and are quite productive using our Eclipse

I will be teaching at July's CMUG meeting more about Eclipse, continuous
compile and version control.  So old dogs can learn new tricks.

I'm currently porting one of our drag and drop applications from the Web to
an iPad.  Unfortunately the JavaScript that works in the Web fails on the
iPad because there are no mouse events to capture. I am looking at several
tools that have been mentioned before to help me create the code, because
the one thing I have learned is this old dog does not recreate the wheel.

"Embracing change like Eclipse U2 Editor with continuous compile"

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