
A few weeks ago I posted about the trouble we've been having getting 
UniObjects to work as a COM/OLE object inside 64-bit Lotus Domino.  We've 
been looking at ways to use the .Net version of UniObjects inside Domino 
instead, and we found the following web page that talks about how to 
access a .Net class from LotusScript: 


Following the directions on that page, we've run GACUTIL and REGASM to 
register the objects in the uodotnet.dll and make them accessible via the 
COM interface, with partial success.  When we use the Object Viewer, under 
the Object Classes / Grouped by Component Category / .Net Category, we 
find the following two classes:  IBMU2.UODOTNET.SupportClass and 
IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniRecord.  There are also entries for a bunch of 
exceptions:  IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniCommandException, UniDataSetException, 
UniDynArrayException, UniFileException, etc.  There are 14 of those 
exception entries in total.   The rest of the classes, like UniObjects, 
UniSession, etc. are not listed in the object viewer (though some like 
UniCommand, UniDynArray and UniFile do have their exceptions listed). 

In LotusScript, we can then use the following code to successfully access 
the two exposed UniObjects classes:

set obj = CreateObject("IBMU2.UODOTNET.SupportClass") 
set obj2 = CreateObject("IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniRecord") 

Both of those statements work.  However, by themselves, those classes 
aren't much use.  We cannot create COM objects for the core UniObjects, 
UniSessions, UniFile, etc. classes.  They just give the generic "cannot 
create automation object" error messages. 

Does anyone know why the remainder of the UniObjects classes would not be 
accessible via the COM interface after using GACUTIL and REGASM?  Is there 
something about the remaining UniObject classes that make them somehow 
incompatible with this approach for exposing .Net dlls as COM objects, 
even though it worked for the UniRecord class?   Or are we just missing a 
step somewhere?

Any advice would be welcomed!

Jim Stoner
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