Here's an example of one we're using to validate mailing addresses (the
indentation is just for readability):

* Build the SOAP request

SoapBody  = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
SoapBody := '<soap:Envelope
SoapBody := ' xmlns:xsd="";'
SoapBody := ' xmlns:soap="";>'
SoapBody := '  <soap:Body>'
SoapBody := '   <':Method:' xmlns="':NameSpace:'">'
SoapBody := '    <request>'
SoapBody := '      <Addresses>'
SoapBody := '        <AddressRequest>'
SoapBody := '          <Addressee>':ADDRESSEE:'</Addressee>'
SoapBody := '          <Street>':ADDRESS:'</Street>'
SoapBody := '          <Street2>':ADDRESS2:'</Street2>'
SoapBody := '          <City>':CITY:'</City>'
SoapBody := '          <State>':STATE:'</State>'
SoapBody := '          <ZipCode>':ZIPCODE:'</ZipCode>'
SoapBody := '          <LastLine>':LASTLINE:'</LastLine>'
SoapBody := '        </AddressRequest>'
SoapBody := '      </Addresses>'
SoapBody := '      <Suggestions>':MaxSugg:'</Suggestions>'
SoapBody := '    </request>'
SoapBody := '   </':Method:'>'
SoapBody := '  </soap:Body>'
SoapBody := '</soap:Envelope>'

* Load the security context

RtnVal = loadSecurityContext(Context, "ContextName", "password")

* Create the Request

RtnVal = SOAPCreateSecureRequest(SoapURL, SoapAction, SoapReq, Context)

* Set up the Request Content

RtnVal = SOAPSetRequestContent(SoapReq, SoapBody, 1)

* Submit the Request

RtnVal = SOAPSubmitRequest(SoapReq, Timeout, RespHeaders, RespData,

There's obviously more error trapping in the live version, but I stripped it
out for this example just to show the process flow.  SoapURL contains the
URL to the web service (https://.../VerifyService.asmx), and SoapAction,
NameSpace and Method contain the appropriate data specified in the WSDL.
The Response headers and data are returned in RespHeaders and RespData

Hope this helps...

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Steve Long
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 11:23 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SOAP Header

Thanks Larry.  

They are on 7.2.  Currently we are using the SOAPCreateRequest,
SOAPSetRequestContent, and SOAPSubmitRequest functions only.  I would
like to avoid adding the header info to the SOAP body if possible, but
if not, how did you do it?  Did you surround it by the <Header> tags or
did you just put the info at the beginning of the body?


Steve Long
Spyderweb Technical Services, Inc.
(360) 687-8797 Washington
(503) 406-8797 Oregon
(866) 354-5913 Fax

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Larry Hiscock
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:32 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SOAP Header

Hi Steve,

What version of UD and on what platform?  

The reason I ask is that we have a client that is stuck on UD v6.1 for
time being (because they're on SCO OpenServer).  At that rev and on that
platform, we ran into issues using some of the SOAP functions.  We were
to work around it, but only ended up using the
SOAPSetRequestContent() and SOAPSubmitRequest() functions.  We built our
SOAP headers into the SOAP body that is passed to

You might also try turning on Protocol Logging.  It does give some
useful information about exactly where your SOAP transaction is failing.

VAR = protocolLogging("/path.../soapprotocol.log", "ON", 7)

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services
PH: 661-255-0235

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Steve Long
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:05 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] SOAP Header

Hi All -


I am using the Unidata functionality to do SOAP calls and I now need to
specify header information to call a SSL page.  It is failing because
there is not info in the header.  The documentation is very sparse on
this, as you all know.  Anyone have any insight on how to specify header
info using the SOAPSetRequestHeader function?


Thanks in advance!




Steve Long

Spyderweb Technical Services, Inc.

(360) 687-8797 Washington

(503) 406-8797 Oregon

(866) 354-5913 Fax


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