This won't work unless the program is halted-waiting.
Most likely it's moved on to do a hundred other things since the lock in 
question, but left it hanging because the pid is still living.
If the pid dies it would release the lock, but for example, even on non-SB 
systems, phantoms which run constantly can leave locks hanging forever.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Schasny <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 8, 2011 8:34 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Lock Status

I think that the closest you are going to be able to get is the program 
n question using LIST.READU to determine the PID and PORT.STATUS to 
hen find the program. I don't know of any way to dynamically get to the 
rogram line number from there. You could, of course, just look through 
he program source and the READUs then make an educated guess from there.
Kevin King wrote:
 Unfortunately, no love there either John.  I even went to the GETREADU( .. )
 function in BASIC.. nothing there.
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eff Schasny - Denver, Co, USA
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