Uniiverse 10.2.4
AIX Unix 5.3

We have been using UniODBC to run our DTS jobs (to our DataWarehouse) since 
before I began working here.  I have been told by our VAR that our setup is not 
typical.  We are now attempting to change from UniODBC to UniOleDB using SSIS.

The problem that I am encountering is the SQL statement will not recognize the 
visible files in the same manner.  We have a file MO-GL-DET and using ODBC, we 
have to refer to the file as MO_GL_DET in the SQL statement.  But with the 
OleDB connection the file does not exist.  I created a new voc (alias) without 
the hyphens (MOGLDET) and everything works (even without running 

I have been unable locate any documentation regarding UniOleDB and file name 

Has anybody else discovered similar discrepancies?


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