Can anybody please help?

For some reason A + B does not equal C in the comparison below. Is there any 
trick to get the comparisons to work properly?

Unidata 7.2 on Hp Unix 11+

Top of "TEST.COMP" in "RMH.MAIN", 13 lines, 263 characters.
*--: P
001: A = 3176.79
002: B = 106.19
003: C = 3282.98
004: D = 920.11
005: A = A + D
006: C = C + D
007: IF (A+B) # C THEN
008:   CRT '(A+B) # C? YOU LIE'
009:   CRT 'A = ':A:', B = ':B:', (A+B) = ':(A+B):', C = ':C
011:   CRT '(A+B) = C? YOU ROCK'
012:   CRT 'A = ':A:', B = ':B:', (A+B) = ':(A+B):', C = ':C
013: END
*--: FIBR
Filed "TEST.COMP" in file "RMH.MAIN" unchanged.

Compiling Unibasic: /db1/ud1/PGM/RMH.MAIN/TEST.COMP in mode 'u'.
compilation finished

(A+B) # C? YOU LIE
A = 4096.9, B = 106.19, (A+B) = 4203.09, C = 4203.09

            George Hammerle
            Programming Dude
            Hubert Company LLC.
            9555 Dry Fork Road
            Harrison, Ohio 45030

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