On 15/11/11 16:19, Rex Gozar wrote:

I use CVS (currently porting my scripts to use Mercurial) for Universe
program version control.

A lot depends on your "version control" paradigm; many software
developers "checkout" their source code and "build" their software
from scratch.  This is what I do here; I make changes to the source
code repository, build the software accounts, then upgrade existing
sites with the new software.

Except that - iirc (I use git) - mercurial is a DVCS, so the concept of check-in/out no longer exists ...

Some developers don't "build" their software, but rather modify
production programs "on the fly" and use version control software to
track their changes.  Making changes in a "development" account and
copying into production is a variant on this approach.

The different approaches to software changes require different
capabilities.  Which approach is closer to your development method?

If you're using a DVCS, the obvious approach is to declare your production system as the master, test your changes in a development account, and then push the changes into production.

The thing to bear in mind is that if you're used to a conventional VCS with a master repository, a DVCS requires a major change to your mindset to use it in the way it is meant to be used. You can still use it the old-fashioned way, but you won't be using the power it is capable of.

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