On 16/11/11 20:40, DavidJMurray (mvdbs.com) wrote:
Well, it's not really worth a fight as I am not a lawyer, but from the wed

This edition is designed for single-user personal development and training
as well as sales demos. It is not for remarketing or use in production

The use of 'personal development and training' is quite explicit to me. I
would have thought that producing an application is production and if it was
supplied for code/application development, then it would not be limited to 2
users and small files as part of any development is the testing of a normal
working environment - large files and multiple users - all which can not be
done on a PE edition.

Well, if Rocket took your attitude, I would say they're cutting off their nose to spite their face.

To me, "production" means you are using it to support your business. If I'm developing something on my own, that's "personal development", even if I want to sell it.

Thing is, would any SANE software vendor tell a developer "no we won't give you a free copy just in case you build a product and need to buy licences from us for your customers".

I would have no qualms whatsoever about using the PE version to write stuff - either for my own personal use, OR for a product I was hoping to sell. Coz if I sold, I would have to get a paid-for licence for my customer and Rocket would make money they wouldn't otherwise have got.

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