On 05/12/11 19:03, Wjhonson wrote:

Does someone have a routine that, no matter what day you run it, returns the 
End of Month Date ?
(Assume the end of month date, is the calendar end of month date not some 
screwy business date)

Hmmm... no-one seems to have done my approach ...

THIS.MONTH.O = OCONV (TODAY, "DMY") ;* strip day off
NEXT.MONTH.I = ICONV( THIS.MONTH.O, "D") + 31 ;* random day next month
NEXT.MONTH.O = OCONV( NEXT.MONTH.I, "DMY") ;* strip day off
LAST.DAY.I = ICONV( NEXT.MONTH.O, "D") - 1 ;* subract one day

If you don't have a day in your i/oconv it defaults to 1, so the logic works. Unfortunately you can't combine the first three lines because there's no number you can pick that will guarantee to land you in next month whatever today's date :-(

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