I have seen this behavior on Universe 10.3.4 on AIX as well as Universe 11.1.4 on Linux. These are PICK flavor accounts.
Consider a file with a key like so: 20110600001 20110600002 SELECT FILENAME >= "201106]" SELECT FILENAME GE "201106]" SELECT FILENAME WITH @ID >= "201106]" SELECT FILENAME WITH @ID GE "201106]" (The selection only returns the "greater than" and not the "equal to") You can do "equals" or "greater than" by themselves and it works. Not sure if this is by design or a bug. If a bug, how would I report it? -- John Thompson _______________________________________________ U2-Users mailing list U2-Users@listserver.u2ug.org http://listserver.u2ug.org/mailman/listinfo/u2-users