Piping in with contrary notions all the way across the board!  See my
remarks at -->[SJ] in four places, if you like.

On 07/02/12 23:46, Kevin King wrote:
> An include is fine for declarations, but not for executable code due to
the > fact that individual lines in the include cannot be debugged (on
Unidata). >  Declarations like EQUates and common blocks are best uses for
includes.  The need to break apart big routines due to some arbitrary limit
(i.e.> 32K) is no longer a valid argument and without the ability to debug
included code, any gains quickly become lost.

-->[SJ] I disagree with Kevin (not unusual, our technical approaches to
developing have always been different!)... for one thing I totally hate file
equate declarations. I'm probably in the unpopular crowd on that one, but
that's how I feel.  Then I believe that debugging, while requiring an extra
step, is not that hard and the gains are worth the extra effort.  I'll
elaborate below...

Plus, what happens if you ever want to update that code? If it's INCLUDEd in
twenty different files, you need to recompile the lot - that is if you even
know what files include it! (And don't say you can search, you're quite
likely to miss something).

--->[SJ]  Disagreeing with Wol, too. This is exactly why I *do* use an
include.  If you are running the same chunk of code all over the place, I
think it is much easier to recompile the 25 programs when you change it,
than it is to change it in 25 places!  And I can use a search ... or I keep
a matrix of what calls and includes what. Since an include would have a
unique name, and certainly the string INCLUDE FILENAME INCLUDENAME is very
unique, an ESEARCH should be quite reliable.

If it's a subroutine, you know one recompile and you've caught all

---> [SJ] Subroutines do have advantages but an include can make a lot of
assumptions about where it is... a subroutine either has an immense number
of arguments, a fragmented COMMON, or you start over with building up some
basic info.  Includes are a convenient way to isolate a repeated chunk of
code and very easily reuse it without duplicated effort.   When it needs to
be fixed or updated, it is in one place.

-->[SJ] I acknowledge that debugging is harder.  So what I do is I have a
standard way that I remark out the include and indicate the end of the
included section, then I just merge the whole business in until I'm finished
debugging.  The 'Basic Developer Toolkit' editor (BDT, from rocket software)
actually does this automatically.  Even doing it manually and acknowledging
the inconvenience it is still less maintenance and far less ambiguity to
reuse chunks of code this way.

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