I'm not sure if Dynamic Connect is still in the client download. It can work
quite well - with some setting up of a new terminal type. It won't do GUI or
any of the "TU" applications (file transfer, Excel Downloads, etc) but it
works nicely as a terminal program.


-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Hirsh

Well, thanks everyone. Hmmm, I was hoping to get the 'old' version because I
have no control over the host side version and whether a particular site
upgrades or not. At this point, most haven't upgraded. 

So, anyone have any ideas about where I can get an 'old' version of SB

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
From: David Wolverton

Yes -- that's what I was thinking also Steve -- he's right -- but wrong

If you have to upgrade your SERVER side to use the new client, it means you
have to have BOTH old and new SBClient on your PC if you support both old
and new customers.

He's 'right' in that 6.x will run in the 'old GUI' mode -- but he's 'wrong'
in the way you and I were thinking -- the new SBClient is not 'retro-aware'
like all previous versions were, probably due to the new licensing scheme
where you ALWAYS get SBClient with SB+ - it's no longer an 'add on' ...


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