Try using the process like default expression (mandatory).

┌────────────Enter Field─────────────┐
│ Field Name            PAID.DATE    │
│ Disp Prpt (N/S{nn}/A) N            │
│ Input Field (Y/N)     N            │
│ Mandatory (Y/N)       N            │
│ Control/Dep/Read      D            │
│ Window Size                        │
│ Prompt Col  29  Row    4           │
│ Input Col   29  Row    4           │
│ Process Before  D:P("PROCCESS")[M] │
│ Process After                      │
│ Intuitive Help                     │


> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 15:20:26 -0700
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
> sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK
> variables.
> I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
> slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and
> so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> So are these MV fields or SV fields? Also, you only have a process-after on
> the Earned Date? Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
> sequence of prompting in the screen is straight forward, left to right for
> these 4 prompts, and you have no extra processes on the DICT entries for
> these. You said they are just @WORK variables, right?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
> To: 'U2 Users List'
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi Bob,
> Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
> been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
> for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot. What I have is
> something like this:
> LI# Award Earned Date Paid Date
> --- ----- ----------- -----------
> I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
> field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
> a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
> process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
> change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
> was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
> the Paid Date is not the same as the original Earned Date I will leave the
> Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date field is diplay only.
> To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
> cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the field
> so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not change the
> Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.
> I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and the
> current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will show
> correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in the the
> Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI# field, the next
> time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 
> Thanks again,
> Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi Bruce,
> It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in screen
> and the way your process is working to control your entry. If you have
> access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+ Solutions",
> check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued Fields" starting
> on page 3-145. Specifically where it talks about the fact that in an
> Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only executed one time
> for the first value, not before each value of the field. This might be
> where you're having the problem.
> I love this book, by the way!!! Thanks Kevin!
> BobW
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi All,
> I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work record
> and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines one at a
> time in order to change a date field. The date field itself will only be
> able to be changed when another associated date field is not already
> present. I have the screen working pretty well except for something strange
> that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up from the menu and when
> I hit enter at the first line it move over to the the date to be modified.
> But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not move
> over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line again if
> I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date field, just
> down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it cycles back to line
> one and continues to go down the page with each enter key. Now it gets
> really interesting. When I exit the screen and then go back into the screen
> it will work correctly. And if I exit and re-enter it will fail again. It
> just toggles between working correctly and not working at all.
> I have tried to debug this by putting in DISP statements into the Process
> After Display (the first process is called from here) but I do not see what
> is causing the screen to react the way that it is.
> I don't know if I have explained it very well but has anybody else had this
> problem before and know how to fix it?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bruce
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