Thanks John,

we will check all those back at work on Tuesday.
This is a sample of the actual error message we see:

*/Illegal user id = (16777216).

On 06/04/2012 21:13, John Hester wrote:
One other potential issue just came to mind.  I think AD user names are
returned by winbind in the form "domain\user" by default.  If your
winbind is configured this way, it could be that udt doesn't like seeing
the backslash character in the user name.  This behaviour can be turned
off with the following setting in smb.conf:

winbind use default domain = yes

You can see how user names are currently being reported by winbind with
wbinfo -u.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mecki
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 9:08 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Logging on to UD 7.2 on RH Linux using Active Directory

We are finally in the process of upgrading our old UD 5.2 system on
Solaris to 7.2 running on a virtual RH Linux server.
So far everything seems to work OK.
We can log into the database as the root user fine.
We can log into the database as a local linux user fine.
But we don't want to create local users on the linux box as it is
another set of user accounts / passwords to maintain.
To get round this we are using winbind to allow users to login to the
Linux server with their Windows Active Directory credentials.
This works well however when we come to run the udt command in the data
directory we get the following error "Illegal User ID" then the UID of
the Winbind user.
There is obviously some check that occurs when udt starts to see if the
user is a valid linux user, udt must not be able to query the
authentication mechanism and therefore will not allow the user to run
Is there a switch or another way to make this work?


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