> From: Lunt, Bruce 
> Could you show us a comparison of times using your methods?
It'll take a while to do that, sorry. I'm just testing this
functionality in the latest version which will be available for U2 in
a month or so. But I will be publishing before/after performance data
as part of the encouragement for existing NebulaXLite users to
upgrade. As noted below, so far the results are dramatic, from over 30
minutes down to close to 30 seconds, all due to the overhead of
building large items. Half of the time I spent on this after initial
testing was trying to figure out why the numbers were wrong - and they

I was just informed that the technique I'm using may have been
published somewhere but I don't know if that was something I published
without detail or if this knowledge is more widespread than I thought.
Please forgive a bit of overzealous posturing if that's the case. 

For my next trick, I'll invent fire.
Oh it has? Never mind.
How about water? Really? Dangit!
Fusion? There's even Fusionware?
Is nothing left uninvented or reinvented in this industry?


> From: Tony Gravagno 
> Sort of OT:
> My NebulaXLite product builds XML files that can get into tens of
> Concatenation with either method described below can cause this
> process to take 1/2 hour or longer. I developed a technique that
> reduces build time of these large blocks down to seconds, and no,
> isn't a method that has been discussed in public before.

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