Thanks for the reply. I am trying to do higher level wrappers to hide
those UniObject stuff but the problem is in order to to get UniDynArray
it has to have UniSession. UniObjects allow me to send UniDynArray to
subroutine. Would you happen to have a sample code where you do
something like that. My code is as follow  my prob is UniDynArray
GetData { get; } line. Code as bellow

#region GetDataByField

        string GetDataByField(int field);
        string GetDataByField(int field, int value);
        string GetDataByField(int field, int value, int subValue);


        #region Count

        int Count(int field);
        int Count(int field, int value);
        int Count(int field, int value, int subValue);


        #region Insert

        void Insert(int field, string strValue);
        void Insert(int field, int value, string strValue);
        void Insert(int field, int value, int subValue, string


        #region GetData

        UniDynArray GetData { get; }


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 3:50 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Mocking UniSession in .NET

would it be better to construct a higher level wrapper for your business
functions and mock those? the UO libraries are quite low level: its a
bit like mocking rather than your db calls.  

I expose all the business logic through server side subroutines, all
using standardized calling conventions, then they can easily be
simulated and also I can use server side unit tests.

Sent from my iPad

On 13 Aug 2012, at 19:32, "Ravindranath Wickramanayake"
<> wrote:

> Hi
> Does anybody know how to mock UniSession via .NET? or is there a 
> interface for UniSession like IUniSession so it could be easily 
> mockable?
> Your Help is very much appreciated
> Thanks
> Ravi
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