> From: Bill Brutzman 
> Yesterday... I just released my third HTML app (runs on both mobile
> desktop) that uses ColdFusion to grab UniVerse data to hydrate and
> launch pdf forms in the user's browser.  The apps/forms... [1]
> Order [2] Invoice [3] Part Inspection... were whipped up with
> (LiveCycle) Designer.  I can now do one (or two) form apps like this
> one day.
> I have not aware of any other technology out there that can do this.

You mean in Pick? Back in 2000 I was doing demos with D3 of
ColdFusion, PDF forms for data entry, and even pre-Ajax field-level
validation in HTML. As to non-Pick, the tools you're talking about are
used by many thousands of developers. It's great that MV people are
using mainstream technology, and serious kudos for your
accomplishments. But it's "mainstream" because everyone else is
already doing it.


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