Does anyone know why UniData (v7.2.12) responds differently to the SETPTR command between two different machines? I created a local printer, which I share as "UDGENERIC", that is a generic/text printer to a file. I did this on both machines.

Machine 1 - Windows 2008 R2 fully updated - UniData 77 user Standard Edition.

    Module Name         Version   Licensed

UniData RDBMS............ 7.2     Yes
Connection Pooling....... 7.2     No
Device License........... 7.2     No
NFA...................... 7.2     No
RFS...................... 7.2     No
EDA...................... 7.2     No


This command takes exactly 60 seconds to return to ECL.

Machine 2 - Windows 2008 R2 fully updated - UniData 24 user Workgroup Edition.

    Module Name         Version   Licensed

UniData RDBMS............ 7.2     Yes
Connection Pooling....... 7.2     Yes
Device License........... 7.2     Yes
NFA...................... 7.2     No
RFS...................... 7.2     No
EDA...................... 7.2     No


This command returns to ECL immediately.

Both machines are Dell R210 rack-mount servers. I'm having the "udt.errlog" fill up with messages:

Fri Feb 01 18:19:34 pid=2828 In E:\DataTrust\DTA\BP\BP\_RESET.STANDARDS at line 33 Fri Feb 01 18:19:34 pid=2828 errno=1801: The printer name is invalid.
Fri Feb 01 18:19:56 pid=3696 pid=3696,uid=197875,udtno=2:

...which is caused by one of our subroutines, used everywhere in our application. This error occurs nowhere else where our application is installed, because I execute the above SETPTR command within the LOGIN process at login. I can't execute it on our 77 user machine because logging on will take over a minute!

Any ideas?  Thanks,

Bill Haskett
U2-Users mailing list

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