You can do user exits on UniVerse.
I thought User-defined processor codes were standard on MV platforms.
For UV they are defined in the "UniVerse Guide for Pick Users",
Appendix A, User Exit Codes.
In the past I've used the technique to create my own "uparrow" i-conv,
o-conv code that mimicks ED's up-arrow mode.
I do wish they were a bit more versitile. If I remember my pick
assembler user exit coding -- which I don't! -- I think we're shy 4
hex digits of parameters that ought to be able to be passed. Or
something like that.
On 3/11/2013 10:55 AM, Tony Gravagno wrote:
It's things like this that make me wish more MV platforms had
user-defined processor codes. U2 excels in the versatility here. I
can't use wonderful codes like this because most of my code needs to
work across platforms. Wah. :'(
From: Charles Stevenson
OCONV( "16507" , "DYMD[4'',2'',2]" ) --> "20130311"
ICONV( "20130311", "DYMD[4'',2'',2]" ) --> "16507"
>From Brian and Robert:
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