On 22/07/13 21:10, Allen Egerton wrote:
> Primos, then prime information.
> Primos had command input and command output files. Comi and como.

And the nice thing about them was they sat in the OS on the tty line. So
if it was active it recorded EVERYTHING.

I've noticed - with I think both PI/Open and UV - that they sometimes
record a "cleaned up" version of the character stream. Which is nice on
some occasions, but a pain in the neck on others.
> They upgraded comi files with cpl which was a command processing language 
> that supported variables and decision based branching.  
Not really an upgrade, just a new programming language which sat at the
input processing level, not the character stream level :-) and yes, I
made a fair bit of use of both of them :-)

I actually loved COMO as a debugging tool because, combined with
FORTRAN's TRACE statement I could track exactly what my programs were doing.

Debuggers can be okay, but if your error occurs on the 30th iteration of
a loop it can be a pain, or if you need to track back a fair way to find
where things start to go wrong ... the ability to just have a trace of
the entire execution was great.


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