Thanks Susan. i use UltraEdit which would allow that.  You just explained 
something for me.  I kept recreating the file with a block sie that would 
work, but when I copied that data back in, it would revert. That is 
because the block size is contained in the data.

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation

From:   Susan Lynch <>
To:     U2 Users List <>, 
Date:   09/06/2013 12:03 PM
Subject:        Re: [U2] File size (5538816) is not a multiple of block 
Sent by:


What I have done in similar situations is stop UniData, open the file in a
hex editor (there are free hex editors on the web - Cygnus has always
worked well for me), and trim back the last block (in your case, the last
1024  bytes), since that block has been damaged.   Then change the modulo
in the first block of the file to what your file would then be, which is
337 (which is hex 0151, so the first 2 bytes of the file would become
5101, since UniData stores the modulo in reverse order).   At that point,
you should be able to start UniData, run guide on the file, do a fixfile
for any damage, resize it (so that things will hash properly, which might
not be true with the modulo you replaced), and then compare the file to
your most recent backup and any audit logs that you have for data
added/changed since that backup to help you find any records that might
have been chopped off at the end of the file.

Not fun, but it should work...

Susan Lynch
F. W. Davison & Company, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 12:40 PM
Subject: [U2] File size (5538816) is not a multiple of block size(16384).

We had some file corruption last night and I  am trying to recover a file.

 The file was so badly corrupted this morning that it wasn't recognized as
a Unidata file.

What I have tried is copying the data and dictionary to SAVE files at the
system level. Then I did a DELETE.FILE of the file and then a CREATE.FILE
STRUCTURE-HEADER_MA 13,1. Then I copied the data and dictionary files back
over the originals.  The dictionary portion is OK, but I get the message
"File size (5538816) is not a multiple of block size(16384)."

I had hoped that recreating the file with a block size of 1 would have
made this work since 5538816 is divisible by 1024.  But it did not work.
It still thinks the block size is 16.

Can anyone tell me how to recover this data?

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation
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