Hi List;


Still working on the CALLHTTP, I have made it to the point where I think I am being to talk to the other server. I am getting the error : error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:s3_clnt.c:832:


I captured the log from this:


02/02/2004 10:47:47 protocolLogging ... name=HTTP.LOG,action="">

02/02/2004 10:47:49 createSecurityContext ... version=

02/02/2004 10:47:49 security context 201d2e08 allocated

02/02/2004 10:47:54 addCertificate ... certPath=/tables/certpath/lalfidevnx1.mv.marrcorp.marriott.com_lalfidevnx1A.crt,usedAs=2,format=2,algorithm=1

02/02/2004 10:47:55 setAuthenticationDepth ... depth=0,s_or_c=2

02/02/2004 10:47:56 showSecurityContext ...

02/02/2004 10:47:56 createSecureRequest ... 201d50d8: URL="" charset=utf-8

02/02/2004 10:47:56 setRequestHeader: standard header Content-Type=text/xml; charset=utf-8

02/02/2004 10:47:56 new header Content-Type added with value text/xml; charset=utf-8

02/02/2004 10:47:56 current Request date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 15:47:56 GMT

02/02/2004 10:47:58 setRequestHeader ...host=nexussecure,header=SOAPAction:"http://tempuri.org/postPublish"

02/02/2004 10:47:58 setRequestHeader: extended header SOAPAction=

02/02/2004 10:47:58 new header SOAPAction added with value "http://tempuri.org/postPublish"

02/02/2004 10:47:59 submitRequest ... Var 201d50d8: host=nexussecure,timeout=10000

02/02/2004 10:47:59 Assembled Request:

POST /SalesmanService.asmx HTTP/1.0

Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 15:47:56 GMT

SOAPAction: "http://tempuri.org/postPublish"

User-Agent: IBM UniVerse 10.x

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: 796

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soap:Header><NEXUSHeader xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"><RequestSystemID>lpar11.vacationclub.com</RequestSystemID><RequestMessageID>00527</RequestMessageID><ResponseURL>lpar11.vacationclub.com</ResponseURL><ErrorURL>lpar11.vacationclub.com</ErrorURL><RequestMethod>SalesmanService.publishSalesman</RequestMethod></NEXUSHeader></soap:Header><soap:Body><postPublish xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"><SALESMANRESP><Id>LJ0352</Id><SSN>155421426</SSN><LastName>PONCE</LastName><FirstName>LADISLAO</FirstName><Middle></Middle><Active>A</Active></SALESMANRESP></postPublish></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

02/02/2004 10:47:59 HTTP_START

02/02/2004 10:47:59 HTTP_CONNECT

02/02/2004 10:47:59 new host 201d57a8:nexussecure:443 allocated (proxy:no)

02/02/2004 10:47:59 host nexussecure:443 not found in hostList

02/02/2004 10:47:59 socket 201d5828 allocated

02/02/2004 10:48:08 enter SSLbinding

02/02/2004 10:48:08 loading SSL client method

02/02/2004 10:48:08 loading cert file ...02/02/2004 10:48:08 No cert file set in context!

02/02/2004 10:48:08 loading private key ...02/02/2004 10:48:08 No private key availble, OK for client

02/02/2004 10:48:08 loading CA file ...02/02/2004 10:48:08 CA cert loaded!

02/02/2004 10:48:08 loading random data ...02/02/2004 10:48:08 random data loaded!

02/02/2004 10:48:08 begin SSL negotiation ...02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Handshake: start

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Loop: before/connect initialization

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Loop: SSLv2/v3 write client hello A

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Loop: SSLv3 read server hello A

02/02/2004 10:48:08 Verification strength: strict

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL Certificate Verification:

depth: 0

subject: /C=US/ST=Florida/L=Lakeland/O=MVCI/OU=IR/CN=lalfidevnx1

issuer: /DC=com/DC=marriott/DC=marrcorp/DC=mv/CN=mvci-dev

02/02/2004 10:48:08 Peer certifictae not verified.

Reason: 20, unable to get local issuer certificate

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Write: SSLv3 read server certificate B

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Exit: error in SSLv3 read server certificate B

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL trace:: Exit: error in SSLv3 read server certificate B

02/02/2004 10:48:08 SSL connect error: -1!

02/02/2004 10:48:08 exiting SSLbinding with failure!

02/02/2004 10:48:08 Socket 201d5828 closed and freed

02/02/2004 10:48:08 Secure Socket (nexussecure:443) not opened

02/02/2004 10:48:08 HTTP_ERROR

02/02/2004 10:48:08 Host 201d57a8 freed

02/02/2004 10:48:14 security context 201d2e08 freed



I am not sure where I have gone wrong.

Mark Laursen
Marriott Vacation Club International
(863) 688-7700 Ext. 4339

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