Title: Linked server query is really really slow!

I'm trying to select one record from a SQL database that has 1.3 mil records based on the serial number.  Once I find that one record based on the serial number I want to query the linked server(Unidata 5.2) and pull in some records from a line item detail file 450k records.  Getting one line item is the reason for the second match on the part number. 

Is there another way to structure this to be a little faster?  I'm hoping it is just a case of moving stuff around in the query to make it run better.  Or do I just have to start playing with indexes or try to dump the data out to SQL?

SELECT     TOP 1 dbo.Order_Details_View.Sales_Order_Number, dbo.Order_Details_View.Part_Number, DERIVEDTBL.Unit_Price, DERIVEDTBL.Cust_Nbr,

                      DERIVEDTBL.Cust_Name, DERIVEDTBL.Ship_Name, DERIVEDTBL.Ship_Address, DERIVEDTBL.Ship_City, DERIVEDTBL.Ship_State,

                      DERIVEDTBL.Ship_Zip, DERIVEDTBL.Bill_Of_Lading, DERIVEDTBL.Pro_Nbr, DERIVEDTBL.Description, DERIVEDTBL.Line_Nbr,

                      dbo.Order_Details_View.Serial_Number, DERIVEDTBL.So_Nbr, DERIVEDTBL.Part_Nbr_Strip
FROM         dbo.Order_Details_View INNER JOIN
                          (SELECT     *
                            FROM          OPENQUERY(M2K, 'SELECT * FROM SOD_PROD_LIFE') AS M2K1) DERIVEDTBL ON
                      dbo.Order_Details_View.Sales_Order_Number = DERIVEDTBL.So_Nbr AND
                      dbo.Order_Details_View.Part_Number = DERIVEDTBL.Part_Nbr_Strip COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

WHERE     (dbo.Order_Details_View.Serial_Number = N'AM029516954')

Jeffrey Lettau
ERP Systems Manager

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