Any Melbournian Perl jockies who might be interested in this?
Apologies for the off-topic post.

Subject: Fwd: Damian Conway on Perl 6 -- February 17

Tuesday 17 February, 11am
WEHI Lecture Theater (

Prof Damian Conway
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University.


      The Perl 6 Programming Language


      Perl 6 will be a major improvement on Perl 5 in many ways:
      syntactically, semantically, psychologically, and performance-wise.
      This talk looks at what is known, surmised, guessed, wished for,
      and dreaded about Perl 6. It discusses the history, motivations,
      syntax, semantics, and likely idioms of the new Perl.

About the speaker:

      Damian Conway holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and is an
      Honorary Associate Professor with the School of Computer
      Science and Software Engineering at Monash University,
      Melbourne, Australia.

      He is also the CEO and chief presenter of Thoughtstream Pty Ltd,
      an I.T. training company based in Australia. Thoughtstream provides
      world-class Perl training to Fortune 50 corporations, educational
      institutions, and government agencies around the world.

      Damian is the author of numerous well-known Perl software modules
      including: Class::Contract, Text::Autoformat, Parse::RecDescent,
      Text::Balanced, Lingua::EN::Inflect, Class::Multimethods, Switch,
      Quantum::Superpositions, NEXT, Filter::Simple, Attribute::Handlers,
      Inline::Files, and Coy (all available from your local CPAN mirror).

      A leading member of the international Perl community, Damian was the
      winner of the 1998, 1999, and 2000 Larry Wall Awards for Practical
      Utility. He is a member of the technical committee for the annual
      Open Source Conference, and author of the book "Object Oriented
      Perl". Renowned for his skills as a speaker, and for the
      entertaining and often off-beat nature of his technical talks,
      Damian is widely sought-after as a conference speaker.

      Currently Damian is collaborating with Larry Wall on the design of
      the new Perl 6 programming language.

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