Can any one help me on the following:
I have loaded universe (file uv1004pe) on my desktop running Windows
MS2000 quite some time ago.  Initially it worked ok, but when I now try
the following uv services do not seem to start.
UniVerse Telnet Service
UniVerse REXEC service
However the other two start correctly:
UniVerse Resource Service
Uni RPC Service
If I start the service using the MS Administrative Tools - Services the
following message appears:
Microsoft Management Console
Could not start the UniVerse Telnet Service service on Local Computer.
The service did not return an error.  This could be an internal Windows
error or an internal service error.
If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
and for the other service:
Microsoft Management Console
Could not start the UniVerse REXEC Service service on Local Computer.
The service did not return an error.  This could be an internal Windows
error or an internal service error.
If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
I haven't used universe for a month or so but it did used to work
perfectly.  Can you advise me on what the problem could be and the a
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