> From: Kevin King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> At the risk of sounding like an ad, there's an article at
> http://www.precisonline.com/inner.html discussing the concept 
> of "inner
> recursion", that is, recursing inside of a single program.

Very nice article.  We have a routine here that I wrote in my
younger and more idealistic days as a recursive subroutine for this
very reason - spanning a tree.  When it was processing 100-200
records at a time, it wasn't a problem.  But now that it is
processing 20,000 records at a time (and that will grow greatly over
the next year or so), it is slow as a dog and kills the system.  We
know we need to rewrite the routine to get rid of recursion but
hadn't wanted to tackle that task due to the need for "ugly logic".
Your solution in the article is fairly elegant and should allow the
change without TOO much code rewriting.

 - jmh
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