My 2 cents: Are the persons applying the pressure MS preferred for its own
sake or is it the result of an actual comparison of AIX to W2003. A client
of mine bought into an MS app because of the implied greatness of MS only to
have a huge disappointment.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sara Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 6:48 PM
Subject: UniVerse on NT vs *nix

> I am under considerable pressure to convert from UniVerse on AIX to
> on Windows 2003.
> We have licenses for 320 users and do get up to this number at times
> although 300 is more normal.
> We run up to 30 phantom processes during the day above this interactive
> count.  At times these would be running in parallel, processing sections
> our customer base.  This is a daily event during the afternoon whilst
> users are doing normal work.
> Currently we run UniVerse 10.0.11 on an IBM p660 with 4 cpus and 7Gb ram.
> We also run Oracle and Vantive on this same box which is why the ram is so
> high.  We transfer data between UniVerse and Oracle real time using BCI &
> OpenLink.  The reverse is an in-house Oracle Pipes development which is
> gradually being replaced by UniObjects for Java.  I anticipate we would
> to run these applications on separate boxes if under Windows 2003.
> Our DBAs, both UniVerse and Oracle, are reluctant to go down this path as
> they believe they will not have the same ability to monitor their systems.
> I would appreciate comments, good and bad, from anyone with experience of
> this number of users in an Windows environment.  Email me off-line if this
> seems appropriate.
> Thanks in anticipation
> Sara Burns
> Sara Burns (SEB)
> Project Leader (Vantive)
> Public Trust
> Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI)
> Mobile: 027 457 5974
> < <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> the intended recipient the information should not be used, disclosed,
> or commercialised. The information is not necessarily the views nor the
> official communication of Public Trust. No guarantee or representation is
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> --
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