At 09:13 AM 3/16/2004, you wrote:
We just had this happen on Monday on Unidata 6.0.8 on AIX 5.1, we were
told to run "udtdiag" to colloect data about the state of Unidata and stop
and restart Unidata. There is no other way. Here is what Unidata support
told us:

I have seen this at a few sites myself...

In addition to this, you should stop UniData and move the cleanupd.d in place of cleanupd when it is convenient. Make sure you rename the original to cleanupd.orig or something like this so you know what you can go back to.

The .d of the executables in the $UDTBIN are nonstripped. What this means is they carry a heck of a lot more debugging information in any core files that come from them. Performance overhead in running these is usually undetectable and is definitely useful in a case of a failure. Also, as a last step before stopud, do a kill -11 on cleanupd. This will give IBM more tracing information on what it was doing when it hung up.

You will most likely need to run a debug stack trace on the core as well to give to IBM. Get with your support provider as the instructions vary on different platforms and the purchase of a C compiler may be needed.

Manager of Technical Services
Strategy 7 Dallas TX

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