OK thanks for the heads up on using SQL INSERT and UPDATE instead of ADO Recordsets 
and also using the Prepared property.  That made my program run about 7 times faster.

Can someone tell me why I need
INSERT INTO test([field1], field2 ....
instead of
INSERT INTO test(field1, field2 ....

in other words what is the "[]" doing?  I never saw that in any examples yet the SQL 
builder/browser thingie puts it in if I build the statement using it.  AND putting it 
into my program fixed a nasty bug about SQL syntax.  But... what is it doing?  What 
does it mean?

Also on a seperate note, here is a snippet of what I am doing and would appreciate any 
comments.  Please realize this is only a snippet, not the whole program.  Do I need 
that first open in order to set up cnn1?

b = "Will"
Set cnn1 = CurrentProject.Connection
Set adocmd = New adodb.Command
Set adocmd.ActiveConnection = cnn1
adocmd.Prepared = True
openmsg$ = "Select * from test"
Set rstTest = New adodb.Recordset
rstTest.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rstTest.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
rstTest.open openmsg$,cnn1
execmsg = "SELECT * from test where Field1 = '" & b "'"
adocmd.CommandText = execmsg
Set rstTest = adocmd.Execute()
If rstTest.BOF = True then
   cntnew = cntnew + 1
   *dostuff for new records
   cntold = cntold + 1
   *dostuff for old records
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