Does anyone have the "magic" settings for UniData 6/Unix files?

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:09 AM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: Memo: Re: UV: How do I determine whether a file is using
64bitor 32 bit addressing

Hi Clif,

These 3 or 4 lines I worked out myself (it looks small and simple but it
took me a while) and then Glenn H. contributed the rest of the data
below. I use it for running a script every night that checks on the size
of the files and will alert us to any file growing over 1.5Gb so we can
ensure it is included in the next resize. This has saved our bacon a few
times now although due credit to FAST as it will automagically resize
the file to a 64bit once it reaches that limit. You could change the
output (eg. the Universe 32 Bit description) to anything you wish.
Glenns version is far more comprehensive but I only have one version of
universe to worry about.

I use it

$ file -m /usr/local/etc/magic *

The output being

&SAVEDLISTS&:   directory
BP:     directory
BP.O:   directory
D_&SAVEDLISTS&: Universe 32 Bit
D_BP:   Universe 32 Bit
D_BP.O: Universe 32 Bit
D_MYTEST:       Universe 32 Bit
D_RESULT:       Universe 32 Bit
D_TEST: Universe 32 Bit
D_VOC:  Universe 32 Bit
D_VOCLIB:       Universe 32 Bit
MYTEST: Universe 32 Bit
RESULT: directory
STUFF:  commands text
TEST:   Universe 64 bit <----------------------------------
VOC:    Universe 32 Bit <----------------------------------
VOC.bak:        Universe 32 Bit
VOCLIB: Universe 32 Bit
W360LIVE:       ascii text
bin:    directory
fast.tar:       data
man:    directory
rcmd.log:       empty
rcopy.conf:     ascii text
save_key_files.ksh:     /bin/ksh script
update.hpadmin: /usr/bin/ksh script


#offset type    operator+value          string to print
# Universe files
2       short   0xacef                  Universe
>0      short   0x010c                  32 Bit
>0      short   0x020c                  64 bit

The next few lines were from Glenn Herbert via the list sometime ago
(9th of Jan 2003).

The magic file I set up and use for all the various universe data file 
types is as follows (note that this file does NOT support 64BIT files,
could be readily done):

====start of magic file===
# UniVerse magic file
0       short   0xacef  uniVerse file (unix:class8)
 >2     short   0x0104          v0104(4.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0105          v0105(5.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0106          v0106(6.3.4)
 >2     short   0x0107          v0107(7.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0108          v0108(7.3.2)
 >2     short   0x0109          v0109(8.3.1)
 >2     short   0x010a          v010a(9.3.1)
 >2     short   0x010b          v010b(9.3.2)
 >2     short   0x010c          v010c(9.5.1)
 >4     long    >0      type %d
 >12    long    >0      mod %d
 >16    long    >0      sep %d
# Note that mod & sep are incorrect for values > 256 due to byte
0       short   0xefac          uniVerse file (xinu:class2)
 >2     short   0x0401          v0104(4.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0501          v0105(5.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0601          v0106(6.3.4)
 >2     short   0x0701          v0107(7.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0801          v0108(7.3.2)
 >2     short   0x0901          v0109(8.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0a01          v010a(9.3.1)
 >2     short   0x0b01          v010b(9.3.2)
 >2     short   0x0c01          v010c(9.5.1)
 >6     byte    >0      mod %d
 >10    byte    >0      sep %d
 >14    byte    >0      type %d
# new class
2       short   0xacef  uniVerse file (ixun:class1)
 >0     short   0x0104          v0104(4.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0105          v0105(5.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0106          v0106(6.3.4)
 >0     short   0x0107          v0107(7.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0108          v0108(7.3.2)
 >0     short   0x0109          v0109(8.3.1)
 >0     short   0x010a          v010a(9.3.1)
 >0     short   0x010b          v010b(9.3.2)
 >0     short   0x010c          v010c(9.5.1)
 >4     long    >0      mod %d
 >8     long    >0      sep %d
 >12    long    >0      type %d
# Note that mod & sep are incorrect for values > 256 due to byte
2       short   0xefac          uniVerse file (ixnu:class1a)
 >0     short   0x0401          v0104(4.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0501          v0105(5.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0601          v0106(6.3.4)
 >0     short   0x0701          v0107(7.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0801          v0108(7.3.2)
 >0     short   0x0901          v0109(8.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0a01          v010a(9.3.1)
 >0     short   0x0b01          v010b(9.3.2)
 >0     short   0x0c01          v010c(9.5.1)
 >4     byte    >0      mod %d
 >8     byte    >0      sep %d
 >12    byte    >0      type %d
# Describe object code - class 8
0       short   0xace0          BASIC PROG pcode object (unix:class8)
 >2     short   >0              rev %x
0       short   0xace1          BASIC SUBR pcode object (unix:class8)
 >2     short   >0              rev %x
 >10    short   0               (No args)
 >10    short   1               (1 arg)
 >10    short   >1              (%i args)
# Describe object code - class 1
# note that there is a ctrl-h character preceeding the %x
# at position >2, i.e. <ctrl-h>%x
0       short   0xe0ac          BASIC PROG pcode object (unix:class1)
 >2     short   >0              rev %x
0       short   0xe1ac          BASIC SUBR pcode object (unix:class1)
 >3     byte    >0              rev %x
 >2     byte    >0              %x
 >8     byte    0               (No args)
 >8     byte    1               (1 arg)
 >8     byte    >1              (%i args)
# Describe object code - class 2
# note that there is a ctrl-h character preceeding the %x
# at position >0, i.e. <ctrl-h>%x
2       short   0xe0ac          BASIC PROG pcode object (unix:class2)
 >0     short   >0              rev %x
2       short   0xe1ac          BASIC SUBR pcode object (unix:class2)
 >1     byte    >0              rev %x
 >0     byte    >0              %x
 >6     byte    0               (No args)
 >6     byte    1               (1 arg)
 >6     byte    >1              (%i args)
# Describe Transaction Log file - class 8
0       short   0xaccc          uniVerse Transaction Data File (class8)
 >3     byte    >0              rev %x
# Describe Transaction Log file - class 1
0       short   0xccac          uniVerse Transaction Data File (class1)
 >2     byte    >0              rev %x
# Describe Transaction Log file - class 2
2       short   0xccac          uniVerse Transaction Data File (class2)
 >0     byte    >0              rev %x
# Describe uvbackup images
# note that there is a ctrl-h character preceeding the %c
# at positions >18 to >40, i.e. <ctrl-h>%c
0       string  uvback00        uniVerse backup UNIX image
 >0     string  uvback01        uniVerse backup NT    image
 >9     char    >0      rev %c
 >17    char    >0      from %c
 >18    char    >0              %c
 >19    char    >0              %c
 >20    char    >0              %c
 >21    char    >0              %c
 >22    char    >0              %c
 >23    char    >0              %c
 >24    char    >0              %c
 >25    char    >0              %c
 >26    char    >0              %c
 >27    char    >0              %c
 >28    char    >0              %c
 >29    char    >0              %c
 >30    char    >0              %c
 >31    char    >0              %c
 >32    char    >0              %c
 >33    char    >0              %c
 >34    char    >0              %c
 >35    char    >0              %c
 >36    char    >0              %c
 >37    char    >0              %c
 >38    char    >0              %c
 >39    char    >0              %c
 >40    char    >0              %c

====end  of magic file===

David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
139 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Clifton Oliver
Sent: Tuesday, 6 April 2004 1:34 AM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: Re: Memo: Re: UV: How do I determine whether a file is using 64
bitor 32 bit addressing

I would like a copy of the unix magic file, David. Would you mind 
posting it as text? Otherwise, you can send a copy as an attachment to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll get it to the list.




On Apr 5, 2004, at 3:46 AM, Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) wrote:

> file. I also have a magic file (thanks to Glenn Herbert) that tells me
> from the files command at the unix prompt. I will publish this if you
> need it.

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