DB2 is the original, proprietary IBM first normal form database product.  IBM now 
prefers to call it DB2 UDB, where the UDB stands for "universal database".  

Since acquiring all of the databases, including UniVerse and UniData, from Informix in 
2001, IBM have also used the term DB2 to refer generically to all its database 
products, no doubt to confuse the world into believing that DB2 is the "only" database 
(personal opinion).

UniVerse and UniData are very similar (to end users), non first normal form database 
products, based on a model that pre-dates SQL.  While each supports SQL, it is not 
currently the principal query language used.  The data model, while relational, 
incorporates nesting, which DB2 UDB does not.  That is, conceptually, a cell 
(row/column intersection) can have a data type of "table".  IBM acquired these, along 
with six other database products, from Informix.

Administration of UniVerse is radically different from UniData, and both even more 
radically different from DB2 UDB.

Further, there is no such thing as "a" course.  There's one for the query language, 
one for the programmer, one (or more) for the administrator in each case.  Try linking 
to IBM's web site, going to www-306.ibm.com/software/data/u2 as your start point.  You 
can get to the library (manuals, tech bulletins, etc.) and training and certification 
from this page.

Sometimes you will end up on a DB2 page while following these links.  The U2 
(UniVerse/UniData) information is usually in tiny print at the bottom or somewhere 
else obscure on these pages.  Good luck!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Trevor McNamara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 20:26:15 +1000
Subject: Differences

> Hey,
> Can someone please answer some questions as i am unsure on some database 
> types.
> Whats the difference between DB2 and UniVerse/UniData?
> Are they the same sort of structure?
> Can you do a DB2 course and be qualified enough to use UniVerse?
> Any other information or websites on this sort of thing (Newbie questions:) 
> ) would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Trev
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