
Our IT support staff uses AccuTerm 2K2. It has a file transfer feature available. Search the on-line help document for FT or FTBP. The client can transfer files, databases, or data records. Nearly everything in a session is programmable with a scripting language similar to Visual Basic.

At 07:51 PM 4/28/2004, you wrote:
I use wintegrate a lot as an emulator, file transfer and running PC-based programs.

2 new clients both have accuterm and I'm wondering if their file transfer (import/export) facilities are programmable or are manually managed. Also, is there the equivilent of WIN.PCRUN.

I can always install wintegrate but I may not want to rock the boat.

Thanks in advance.

Mark Johnson
u2-users mailing list

--- Kent Walker - Datatel Analyst Information Technology - U.C. Hastings College of the Law 415-565-4635

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