This is a kind reminder that there are only 11 days left to submit a 
paper for IDA 2003.  Please remark also that there are a limited number
of student grants available!


  5th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis - IDA 2003
                            Berlin, Germany
                           August 28-30, 2003

   IDA 2003  will  take  place  in Berlin August  28-30,  2003,  and  is
organized  by  the  Free University of Berlin and the  Otto-von-Guericke
University  of  Magdeburg. It will consist of a stimulating  program  of
invited  talks  by  leading international experts  in  intelligent  data
analysis,  tutorials,  contributed  papers,  poster  sessions,  and   an
exciting social program.
   Our  aim  for the biannual IDA symposia is to bring together  a  wide
variety  of researchers - academic, industrial, and otherwise - who  are
concerned  with  extracting knowledge from data, including  people  from
statistics, machine learning, neural networks, computer science, pattern
recognition, database management, and other areas.  IDA 2003 is intended
to  stimulate  interaction between these different areas, so  that  more
powerful  tools emerge for extracting knowledge from data and  a  better
understanding is developed of the process of intelligent data analysis.

Important Dates
March 31, 2003       Deadline for submitting papers 
May 12, 2003         Notification of acceptance
June 6, 2003         Deadline for submission of final papers

   The  proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes  in  Computer
Science  series  of  Springer  (  The
proceedings of IDA 97, 99 and 01 appeared in this series as  LNCS  1280,
1642 and 2189.
   We also plan to have a special issue of the Intelligent Data Analysis
journal (  with  extended 
versions of a number of papers presented during the symposium.

Additional Information
   IDA 2003 offers a limited number of student  grants  for  authors  of 
accepted  papers.  These grants cover up to 300  Euro  of  registration, 
travel,  and  accomodation expenses and will be  granted  to  full  time
   A list of topics of interest, guidelines for submissions,  and infor-
mation about the conference-site is available at  

                                 * * *

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