1st International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval
                             - AMR 2003 -
                 Part of KI 2003, 15-18 September 2003
                    University of Hamburg, Germany
During  the  last  years several approaches have  been  developed  that
tackle  specific  problems  of  the  retrieval  process,  e.g.  feature
extraction  methods  for multimedia data, problem  specific  similarity
measures  and  interactive user interfaces. These  methods  enable  the
design  of efficient retrieval tools if the user is able to provide  an
appropriate query. However, user specific interests and search  context
are usually neglected when objects are retrieved.
To improve today's retrieval tools and thus the overall satisfaction of
a user, it is necessary to develop methods that are able to support the
user  in  the  search process, e.g. by providing additional information
about the search results as well as the data collection itself and also
by adapting the retrieval tool to the user's needs and interests.
The  goals  of  the  workshop are to intensify the  exchange  of  ideas
between different research communities to enable the design of improved
user  adaptive  retrieval  tools. The workshop  focuses  especially  on
researchers  that  are  working on feature  extraction  techniques  for
multimedia,  computer  linguistic approaches, (dynamic)  data  analysis
methods, and visualization methods as well as user interface design.

Submissions should be formatted according to Springer LNCS  style  (see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).  Papers   should   have
about  10  pages but should not exceed 15 pages and should be submitted
electronically in PDF or postscript.

Important Dates:
May 24, 2003:   Deadline for paper submission
June 10, 2003:  Notification of acceptance
July 31, 2003:  Deadline for final papers

The  workshop  will  take place during the 26th  German  Conference  on
Artificial  Intelligence  (KI  2003) in Hamburg,  Germany.  Information
about the venue, hotels, etc. are provided on the Web pages of the main
conference KI 2003 (http://www.ki2003.de/).

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     Further details can be found on the Web page of the workshop:
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