                           CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                        Seventh European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty

                      July 2-5, 2003, Aalborg, Denmark

The ECSQARU conference, held every second year since 1991, is a 
major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning 
and decision making under uncertainty. ECSQARU-2003 will be held 
July 2-5, 2003 in Aalborg, Denmark, hosted by the Research Unit of 
Decision Support Systems, Department of Computer Science, 
Aalborg University.


    Workshop, July 2
    Uncertainty, Incompleteness, Imprecision and Conflict in Multiple
    Data Sources

    Invited Talks
    * Didier Dubois
      Qualitative Decision Rules Under Uncertainty

    * Philippe Smets
      Issues about applying the transferable belief model

    * Jeroen K. Vermunt:
      Applications of Latent Class Analysis in Social Science Research

    Technical Program:
    The program consists of 45 high quality papers on:

    * Foundations of uncertainty concepts
    * Algorithms for uncertainty inference

    * Belief functions
    * Fuzzy sets
    * Possibility theory

    * Logics for reasoning under uncertainty
    * Default reasoning
    * Belief revision and inconsistency handling

    * Bayesian networks
    * Learning
    * Decision graphs
    * Decision making under uncertainty

    Software Demonstrations
    * David Allen et al.
      SamIam: A new tool for modelling and reasoning with Bayesian

    * Rolf Haenni and Norbert Lehnmann
      ABEL: An interactive tool for probabilistic argumentative

    * Manfred Jaeger
      The Primula system for random relation modelling

    * Kristian Kersting and Luc De Raedt
      Software tools for probabilistic inductive logic programming

    * Anders L. Madsen et al.
      The Hugin tool fearning Bayesian networks

    * Clasus Skaanning
      dezisionWorks: Diagnosis and Troubleshooting based on Bayesian

    * Philippe Smets and Thierry Denoeux
      TBMLAB, a demonstration for the TBM


Registration is now available from the ECSQARU'03 website
http://www.cs.auc.dk/~ecsqaru/. Note that early registration ends by 
June 1st.


With its more than 160,000 inhabitants, Aalborg is the fourth largest
city of Denmark and the regional capital of Northern Jutland. In more 
ways than one, Aalborg is an interesting and dynamic city and has
the resources to be in the forefront of developments. The history of
Aalborg can be traced back more than 1,000 years. The city is situated
at the narrowest part of Bay Limfjorden and in the course of time
developed into one of the busiest trading centres of Denmark. Activity
and prosperity have left their marks on the city's architecture, and
of the old buildings still are natural elements in the townscape. The
area definitely has lots to offer, from historical buildings and
museums to some of the most beautiful beaches in the country within 
easy reach. Aalborg is generally known as an exciting town with a wide

variety of activities. In addition to a vast number of cultural
events, Aalborg is renowned for its many restaurants, cafés and bars -
many of them to be found in Jomfru Ane Gade, Aalborg's amusement

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