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Mixed Realities

an interaction design summer school

organized by Convivio
The Network for People-Centred Design of Interactive Systems

Rome, Italy - September 1st - 12th, 2003

with the collaboration of
KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) _ Stockholm, Sweden
  University of Milano - Bicocca, Consorzio Roma Ricerche, 
Telecomitalia Learning Services,
Istituto Europeo di Design


The Convivio network builds on earlier actions within the EU FET 
Program to provide an infrastructure to the fledgling i3 community 
- -namely, i3net. This European Network for intelligent information 
interfaces was launched in 1996 with the goal of advancing the 
development of novel human-centred systems and interfaces for 
interacting with information, aimed at people in their everyday 
activities.  The community culture, on which the vision of Convivio 
is rooted, is founded on radical innovation based on the union of 
design, technology and people. In the future, we will see it growing 
and becoming diverse enough to act as a Europe-centred catalytic 
structure for those designing, implementing and evaluating new 
products and services that will impact on people's everyday work and 
domestic lives in significant ways. With the increase in both the 
size and the diversity of the community, it is time for a new network 
infrastructure to be put in place. The community needs to be involved 
in visionary anticipation, research and prototype demonstration, 
stakeholder community integration, and open discussion of 
perspectives and implications. The openness of the new Network will 
stretch beyond the community itself and include all actors targeted 
by the Network or attracted to it through shared interests - though 
not necessarily through shared opinions.

Interaction Design is still a dynamic research field where new 
concepts and new ideas are continuously proposed ans discussed to 
cope with technological innovation and with the emerging needs of 
both social and professional communities. We think that it is now 
time to offer to young designers, educated in computer science and 
engineering, social science and ethnography, and industrial design, 
working in both universities and private companies, the occasion to 
develop their interaction design competence. The Interaction Design 
Summer School promoted by the Convivio network has this aim.

The theme chosen for the 2003 Interaction Design Summer School is 
"Mixed Realities". Its main focus will be, on one hand, on  new 
approaches to user-centred design capable to develop  cooperation 
between diverse cultures in the design process, on the other, on the 
creation of new mixed, virtual or augmented places where (communities 
of) people living at a distance can share experiences, interact and 

We think that the emphasis on the user aspects of the design process 
is an important point for educating interaction designers who will be 
capable to design and develop useful and successful applications. 
This initiative promotes convergence in the IT world and stimulate 
creativeness with a bottom-up approach. The future of the technology 
relies on the multidisciplinary approach and on the direct 
involvement of the users. Information and communication technologies 
shape space and reality, so "Mixed Realities" is one of the most 
relevant themes in the design of new appliances.
Innovation does not simply mean to follow a technology-driven design 
to cope with the introduction of new technologies, but just the 
opposite: to tailor technological development to its needed use by 
communities through multidisciplinary design.

The Faculty
The School will be directed by Riccardo Antonini, Consorzio Roma 
Ricerche, Rome, and Yngve Sundblad, KTH, Stockholm

Tentative lecturers include:

=85 Riccardo Antonini, Consorzio Roma Ricerche, Roma
=85 John Bowers, Centre for user-oriented IT Design, KTH, Stockholm
=85 Gillian Crampton Smith, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea
=85 Pelle Ehn, School of Arts and Communication, Malm=F6 University
=85 Wendy Mackay, Inria and Univ. Paris Sud
=85 Giorgio de Michelis, University of Milano - Bicocca
=85 Yngve Sundblad, Centre for user-oriented IT Design, KTH, Stockholm
=85 John Thackara, DoorsOfPerception, Amsterdam

The summer school will mix listening to key note speakers and 
creative group-work led by senior designers and scientists.

Groupwork will be performed by groups of 10 students in Ateliers. 
Each Atelier will have a leader who will propose its brief and guide 
the group towards the development of an idea and its presentation to 
the school participants. Afternoons will be dedicated to groupwork, 
but students can spend on it their evenings and (part of) the weekend!

=46or the time lecturers and invited speakers will be at the school 
they will be at disposition of the students for interaction within 
the Ateliers and on singular individual problems.

The school aims to contribute to create a warm cooperative clima 
where all participants (students, lecturers and invited speakers) 
will interact and communicate freely and intensely.

Who should attend
We expect to have participants from disciplines as computer science 
and technology, psychology and anthropology, industrial design, 
architecture, etc. Master and PhD students as well as young designers 
with few years of experience working in universities, research 
centers and/or private companies all over the world are invited to 
apply for the interaction design summer school. They will have the 
occasion of listening to lectures by some highly reputed scholars in 
the field, of participating in design ateliers devoted to conceive 
innovative ideas for  supporting communities, of interacting for two 
weeks in a warm social setting becoming part of a community of 
=46ees and other costs
=85 The Convivio summer school fee is euros 1000 (one thousand euros). 
The fee covers school costs, lunches and most of the school dinners 
(a few optional social events may require a little contribution 
around 15 Euros per event). Master and PhD students are exempt from 
paying the fee.
=85 We are arranging inexpensive lodging for school participants 
(around Euros 40 per person per night). Other type of accomodations 
will be available on request (around 100 Euros per person per night).
=85 There will be a weekend without organized activities. During the 
weekend the students will have to decide at the registration time 
either  to use board and accomodation provided for the rest of the 
period or to be on their own (for accomodation, board or both) .
=85 All participants will cover all transportation and accomodation 
costs on their own.
=85 Scholarships and partial contribution to costs are available to 
ensure equal opportunities. If you think that cost is the only  
barrier between you and this great opportunity please let us know. 
All information regarding Scholarships and contribution to costs will 
be treated in order to ensure confidentiality and non discrimination.

Important dates
 Interested people should submit their application form before June 30.
 All applicants will be notified if their application has been 
accepted or not before July 15.
 Accepted applicants must submit their registration form before July 31.

or inquiries, email to:


Registration form
Mixed Realities

an interaction design summer school

organized by
The Network for People-Centred Design of Interactive Systems

Rome, Italy - September 1st - 12th, 2003

with the collaboration of
KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) _ Stockholm, Sweden
  University of Milano - Bicocca, Consorzio Roma Ricerche, 
Telecomitalia Learning Services,
Istituto Europeo di Design

Application Form

Personal information

=46amily Name:
=46irst Name:
Date of Birth:


Current work position:

Master student  yes/no at

PhD student             yes/no at

A short statement explaining why you are interested in the Convivio 
Summer School (max 100 words):

Please, enclose a short cv (max. 300 words).

  The Convivio summer school will have 60 students. Applications will 
be selected by the  School board with the aim to build a 
multidisciplinary and multicultural class whose members have strong 
interest and commitment in the field.

=46ees and other costs
=85 The Convivio summer school fee is euros 1000 (one thousand euros). 
The fee covers school costs, lunches and most of the school dinners 
(a few optional social events may require a little contribution 
around 15 Euros per event). Master and PhD students are exempt from 
paying the fee.
=85 We are arranging inexpensive lodging for school participants 
(around Euros 40 per person per night). Other type of accomodations 
will be available on request (around 100 Euros per person per night).
=85 There will be a weekend without organized activities. During the 
weekend the students will have to decide at the registration time 
either  to use board and accomodation provided for the rest of the 
period or to be on their own (for accomodation, board or both) .
=85 All participants will cover all transportation and accomodation 
costs on their own.
=85 Scholarships and partial contribution to costs are available to 
ensure equal opportunities. If you think that cost is the only  
barrier between you and this great opportunity please let us know. 
All information regarding Scholarships and contribution to costs will 
be treated in order to ensure confidentiality and non discrimination.

Important dates
=85 Interested people should submit their application form before June 30.
=85 All applicants will be notified if their application has been 
accepted or not before July 15.
=85 Accepted applicants must submit their registration form before July 31.

=46or inquiries, email to:


- -- 
Giorgio De Michelis
DISCo, University of Milano - Bicocca
Building U7 - Room 468 - IV Floor
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8
20126 Milano

Tel. +39 02 6448 7825
=46ax. +39 02 6448 7805

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