Fourth International ICSC Symposium on

In collaboration with the University of Madeira

Island of Madeira, Portugal
February 29 - March 2, 2004

With the Following Special Sessions :

· Fourth Workshop on Information Systems for Mass Customization (ISMC’2004)
· Mini-Symposium on Computational Medicine Building and Applying 
Intelligent Systems in Health Care (In Co-operation with IEEE TC)
· Hybrid System Applications
· Hybridization of Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks (HECNN)
· Hybrid Algorithms for Function Approximation and Time Series Prediction
· Intelligent Mobile Agents in Peer-To-Peer Networks
· Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience

Honorary Chairman
Erkki Oja, Finland

Organizing Committee
General Chair: Ana Isabel Portugal de Almada Cardoso, Madeira
Vice Chair: Tatjana Welzer, Slovenia

The problem of engineering of intelligent systems is in fact the science of 
transferring the methodologies, the knowledge and the experiences from the 
area of artificial intelligence into the daily life, either directly 
through the applications or indirectly through basic or applied research.
The conference originated in order to provide a wide forum in which the 
latest developments in the field could be discussed; so the participants 
from all countries are warmly welcome. The scope of the conference as 
indicated by its topics has been updated to reflect the recent rapid 
development of the intelligent systems, such as in the area of control 
systems, decision support systems or artificial life, to mention only a few.

The previous very successful conferences in the series were held in 1998 on 
Tenerife Island, Spain, in 2000 in Paisley, Scotland, and in 2002 in 
Malaga, Spain. The success of the previous conferences and the achieved 
high standard will be reflected also in the coming conference.

Artificial Immune Systems; Artificial Life; Case based Reasoning; Data 
Mining; Chaos; Clustering; Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint 
Programming; Expert Systems; Evolutionary Computation; Fuzzy Clustering; 
Fuzzy Control; Fuzzy learning; Fuzzy Modeling; Hybrid Systems; Intelligent 
Agents; Reasoning with Intervals; Knowledge Extraction; Machine Learning; 
Model based Reasoning; Multi Agent Systems; Neural Networks; Qualitative 
Reasoning; Wavelets

Concurrent Engineering; Condition Monitoring and Control; Damage 
Assessment; Data Mining and Knowledge Extraction; Design; Emerging 
Organizational Forms; Fault Detection; Hardware Implementations; Image 
Processing and Computer Vision; Industrial Diagnostics; Management; 
Medicine Robotics; Mobile robots; Monitoring and Control; Multimedia; 
Natural Language Processing; Pattern Recognition; Product Development; 
Resource Allocation; Remote Sensing; Robotics; Security; Sensors fusion; 
Signal Processing; Speech Processing and Recognition; Teledetection; 

As part of this conference we plan to have a Student Paper Competition. 
Students are encouraged to submit papers that will be peer reviewed. 
Accepted papers need to be presented at the conference. The organizing 
committee of the conference will select the two best papers for the award. 
First prize will be $100 and the second prize $50. Special discounts are 
available for students to register for the conference and will include CD 
ROM proceedings.

A list of very interesting events, speakers and organizers will be 
publicized in our next announcement. More suggestions are welcome until 
June 30, 2003.

Submission Deadline August 15,, 2003
Notification September 15, 2003
Early registration September 20 - October 10, 2003
Final Manuscripts + registration by October 15, 2003
Conference February 29 - March 3, 2004

Additional information will soon be available on our home page
(EIS 2004)

If you no longer wish to receive our announcements, please send email to: 

Planning Division

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Tel:          +1-780- 387 3546

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